Police Report

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Police Report Wednesday October 17, 2001 Daily Nexus > News > Volume 82, Issue Number 20 A Cop’s “Intuition” At approximately 12:00 a.m. on Sunday, October 14, Isla Vista Foot Patrol deputies patrolling the 6600 block of Del Playa Drive observed an 18-year-old female staggering eastbound and weaving from side to side. Officers contacted the suspect, who said she was 21 years old and gave a false address. When officers asked the suspect how much she had to drink, she first said she had only one drink and then said she had three drinks. The suspect also told the officers she was going home but did not know where home was. After being taken into custody, the suspect asked why she was wearing handcuffs. The officer advised her that it was because she had too much to drink. The suspect smiled and said, “How did you know that?” The suspect was arrested for public intoxication and transported to Santa Barbara County Jail, where she was housed, pending sobriety. Stop the (News) Press! At approximately 6:00 a.m. on Sunday, October 14, a Santa Barbara News-Press employee collecting change from newspaper stands in I.V. parked the News-Press vehicle along the south curb of Pardall Road, just east of Embarcadero del Norte, and left the vehicle unlocked and running. As the subject serviced a stand across the street, he heard the van door close and observed the van traveling in the northeast direction across Pardall Rd. The van ran over the north curb, crossed the sidewalk and ran into a concrete block wall. The subject observed a male jump out of the van and flee the area eastbound down Pardall Rd. No arrests have been made. Exiled from Eden At approximately 12:15 a.m. on Sunday, October 14, IVFP officers at the corner of Camino del Sur and Del Playa Dr. observed an 18-year-old male stumble and stagger as he walked out of the bushes from the park at the intersection. The suspect stopped, and as he tried to turn, he fell on his side into the roadway. The suspect was arrested for public intoxication and transported to Santa Barbara County Jail, where he was housed, pending sobriety. It’s My Birthday and I’ll Crash If I Want To At approximately 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, October 14, two IVFP officers were patrolling the 6600 block of Del Playa Dr. when they heard a loud crash in front of a residence. The officers walked up a dirt sidewalk and observed a 21-year-old suspect on the ground lying on top of a bicycle. When the suspect was contacted, officers smelled alcohol on his breath and person. The suspect was unable to get up by himself, and when deputies assisted him from the ground he swayed from side to side. The suspect could not tell the officers where he lived or where he was going. Officers arrested the suspect for public intoxication, and when they checked his driver’s license, they realized it was his 21st birthday. The officer asked if he had too much to drink, and the suspect responded, “It’s my 21st birthday – I had a whole bunch of shots.” The suspect was transported to Santa Barbara County Jail, where he was housed, pending sobriety. Three, Two, One – Vodka! At approximately 1:34 a.m. on Friday, October 12, IVFP deputies at the corner of Del Playa Dr. and Camino del Sur observed a 19-year-old female walking by herself on Del Playa Dr. The suspect was staggering and walking diagonally down the street. When officers contacted her, she said she lived a “couple of houses down,” and then gave them an address approximately one to two blocks away. The suspect admitted that she had three drinks, then said two drinks, and then said only one. She then admitted to drinking vodka. The suspect was arrested for public intoxication. While in the holding cell, she had trouble staying awake and kept nodding off. She asked her arresting officer several times who he was and why she was there. The suspect was transported to Santa Barbara County Jail, where she was housed, pending sobriety. Just Another Drunk Wet Guy from FT At approximately 1:12 a.m. on Sunday, October 14, IVFP deputies observed a 19-year-old male running alone eastbound on Sabado Tarde Road. As the suspect was running, he lost his balance and nearly fell to the ground. While walking, he took several steps in an “exaggerated, swaying manner” and crossed his legs with each step. Officers contacted the suspect and noticed he was not wearing a shirt and was completely wet. The suspect told the officers he was looking for his friends and that he planned to return to Francisco Torres. When asked for his identification, the suspect had difficulty removing his wallet. After providing the deputies with his identification, he had difficulty replacing his wallet into the back pocket of his pants. “[The suspect] tried for about 30 seconds to do this because of his shirt and sweatshirt being wrapped around his waist,” according to the police report. The suspect was arrested for public intoxication and transported to Santa Barbara County Jail, where he was housed, pending sobriety. Who Said Alcohol Impairs Cognitive Abilities? At approximately 11:20 p.m. on Saturday, October 13, IVFP deputies observed a 20-year-old male in a driveway on the 6600 block of Del Playa Dr. holding a Budweiser Light beer can. When the suspect saw the officers approaching, he immediately put his beer down. Officers contacted the suspect and asked his age. The suspect said he was “21.” When asked his date of birth, the suspect said “9-28-77.” When the officer questioned his year of birth being 1977, the suspect replied “9-28-81,” and then immediately stated “9-28-80.” The officer asked him again how old he was, and he repeated the 1980 birth date. The suspect continued to insist he was 21-years-old and that his year of birth was 1980. A record check showed that he was 20. Two more cans of beer were found in his possession. The suspect was arrested for public intoxication and was cited for being a minor in possession. The suspect was transported to Santa Barbara County Jail, where he was housed, pending sobriety. -Compiled by Marisa Lagos and Rebecca Turek :nav Source: http://www.ucsbdailynexus.com/news/2001/1513.html

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