[b]A Savvy, Scrappy New York Lawyer for Jackson[/b] By JAN HOFFMAN …Last month, eschewing California colleagues, Mr. Geragos reached across the country and brought in a co-lead counsel: Benjamin Brafman of New York City… Mr. Brafman is at his peak here, holding himself out as a white-collar-crime specialist. Why would he want the arduous responsibilities of a lurid, faraway case?… “I’m a real lawyer! That’s what distinguishes me from ‘people who practice law.’ My clients can be notorious or controversial, and other lawyers will say, ‘Oh, we wouldn’t represent someone like that!’ Well, that’s because they don’t know how.” He compares the invitation to represent “the greatest entertainer in the world” to being asked “to be a quarterback in the Super Bowl.” [b]When he met with Mr. Jackson, Mr. Brafman adds: “I saw how sweet a man he is, his courtesy, that he is devoid of arrogance, refined, not at all full of himself. That was a defining moment in making a decision about whether to participate. I think we hit it off and that Michael knew he could trust me. And he needs a guy like me.”[/b]… :nav [url=http://forum.mjeol.com/index.php?act=ST&f=3&t=14114]Read FULL Article[/url] :nav [url=http://forum.mjeol.com/index.php?act=ST&f=3&t=14114]Your Comments?[/url]