Kevin Smith, the director who was allegedly approached by Michael Jackson to make a movie where Jackson is suppose to turn into a car and have a little boy drive him, appeared on Countdown with Keith Olbermann (March 25). Smith says the story isn’t true. In fact, he says that he’s never even met Jackson. This rumor started in 1994, according to the official transcript of the show. Smith says he was approached by someone pitching this idea and using Michael Jackson’s name as a part of this idea. Smith also says he can only guess it had something to do with Jackson and he doesn’t even know for sure if Jackson knows about this story. Click ‘Read More’ to read the transcript of the show. [b]’Countdown with Keith Olbermann’ for March 25[/b] Read the complete transcript to Thursday’s showUpdated: 10:35 a.m. ET March 26, 2004Guests: Ben Pershing; Kevin Smith, MIchele Borba, Penn Jillette … OLBERMANN: Against that backdrop, almost everything else from the dockets of our celebrity justice system would seem absurd. But then to some degree, that has been true for all the time that your entertainment dollars have been in action. Day 129 of the Michael Jackson investigations and we have an unlikely development from an unlikely source providing unexpected insights, perhaps, in the April issue of Playboy magazine. The noted film director Kevin Smith was asked, quote: Whats the weirdest script youve ever been asked to direct? And his answer, as quoted by the magazine, A movie called Hot Rod, in it, at Michael Jacksons suggestion, Michael Jackson would have played a man who turns into a car in order to have himself driven around by a boy. Joining me now to elaborate on that is Kevin Smith, whose latest movie Jersey Girl opens in theaters tomorrow. Mr. Smith, good evening. KEVIN SMITH, DIRECTOR JERSEY GIRL: Hey, man, how are you? OLBERMANN: Bit bad. SMITH: But first should I clear upgood to hearI should clear up that that comes from 1994. Back when my first movie, Clerks got sold and I did a tour of the studios and people pitch you scripts to do. They pitched me, I believe it was at Fox, this movie Hot Rod, in which Michael Jackson is a guy who hangs out with little kid and can morph into a car. [b]But foras far as I know, Michael Jacksonthey kept saying Michael Jackson, but I never met him. He was neveryou know, the guy that pitched it.[/b] I guess he was attached, or one of the things he was attached to. OLBERMANN: When you heard it though, what 0 — did you go for the door immediately? Or did you say, well this has possibilities? Or what was your reaction? SMITH: My first reaction was, well, can the car be a hummer? OLBERMANN: Yeah. SMITH: A little joke. A little joke there, Keith. OLBERMANN: I appreciate it. SMITH: I dont know. My reactionno problemmy reaction was just like: why on earth would you think that I would be right for this film after seeing Clerks, my first movie? A little black and white movie. To this? It didnt make sense. But, I didntyou know, it never occurred to me. I think this was before the whole Michael Jackson boys thing kind of caught my attention. I mean, definitely years before this latest development. OLBERMANN: Do youdo you remember any of the particulars? I mean, were there any unfortunate metaphors or any plot line in here? Even that title Hot Rod seems a little disturbing in the context of whats happened in the last 10 years. [b]SMITH: Hot Rod seems a little suggestive, but for all I know, dude, it was a studio guy who said Michael Jackson and maybe Michael Jackson didnt even know it existed. I dont know, but the way he presented it, it was a Michael Jackson vehicle. OLBERMANN: Dose that happen? Do you mean to tell me that happens in Hollywood, people might lie while theyre trying to convince you to go work for them? Ive never heard of that happening. SMITH: Oh, could you imagine? People lying in Hollywood? This is unheard of. OLBERMANN: I have to issue an official gosh. [/b] Last question. It would be unfair to have you out here without asking about the new film and, that you dont to have deal now with interviews about that Michael Jackson film that you did with the car and the kid, but Jersey Girl is coming out tomorrow with sort of the wake of the Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez, Bennifer (PH) Gigli stuff. Have youhave you dodged a bullet withdodged that bullet with this film? SMITH: I think so. I think enough time has passed between Gigli and now and their relationship kind of came to a close, so it feels like the movie is kind of being judged on its own merits, which is all I ever wanted. Iyou know, I didnt care if critics loved it or hated it. I just didnt want the moving being judged against it back story, about what two people who were in the movie did off camera. OLBERMANN: Another thing that people who dont know Hollywood would just react to amazement with. Wow, they do that, too? Extraordinary. SMITH: Oh, yes. OLBERMANN: Director Kevin Smith, I appreciate your time, were out of it, but thanks for sharing the Michael Jackson thing. That image, I think, is going to be with me for a long time, unfortunately. Thanks for your time and good luck with Jersey Girl. SMITH: Thanks, man. No prob. Source: [url=][/url]