DA Changes Dates of Accusations Friday April 30 2004 by Roger Friedman Does the Santa Barbara District Attorney really know what happened between Michael Jackson and his accuser?The latest charges filed againt Jackson suggest that Tom Sneddon is either confused or unsure.In the first charges, filed by Sneddon on Jan 31, he accused Jackson of committing nine different acts between Feb 7 and March 10, 2003.In the revised filing, Sneddon has changed the dates considerably. Now he says Jackson did whatever he’s alleged to have done between Feb. 20 and March 12, 2003. What? This means there was a two week mistake in the first filing. Is anyone paying attention to this? And the new final date March 12 seems impossible too by all accounts. Source: [url=http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,118679,00.html]http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,118679,00.html[/url]