48 Hours: Deep on Peterson, Shallow on Jackson – Bullet #150

48 Hours: Deep on Peterson, Shallow on Jackson – MJEOL Bullet #150 Jackson attorney Tom Mesereau appeared on CBS program 48 Hours last night (June.2.2004).Because of the sweeping gag order, he couldn’t talk about the Michael Jackson so-called “case”.But what is more interesting about the overall report last night was not what was said, but what was not said. The bulk of the program last night focused on the Scott Peterson case. However, instead of simply reciting a litany of what has already been reported in the media, serious questions were posed about that case which made one think about it in a different way. Why, then, were there so many questions left unanswered and unasked about the Jackson “case” even given the short amount of time spent on it? Further, could more of that short amount of time have been spent on Mesereau and his charitable past?