Jackson attorney Tom Mesereau held a brief press conference in Alabama today where he addressed a new rumor, spread by Celebrity Justice, saying that nude photographs of boys were found at Jackson’s Neverland Ranch. Mesereau, getting special permission from the judge to read the statement, says that the ‘photos’ story is FALSE. He also says that the prosecution has confirmed that the story is false as well. He is demanding a retraction of the story from those who spread it. There were no nude photographs–no child pornography–found anywhere as claimed by Celebrity Justice and their “sources close to the prosecution”. Word on the street is that the story originated from Diane Dimond and her “sources”. The story hopped to Celebrity Justice, who spread it even more. Did Dimond have anything to do with this rumor? We just don’t know as of yet. More information and video coming up soon. Stay tuned to this thread at the MJEOL forums for further info: :check http://forums.mjeol.com/showthread.php?t=1430 :camera VIDEO