[b][Jackson] Accuser’s Mom Pocketed $4,000[/b] Friday, March 04, 2005 By Roger Friedman As I told you yesterday, the mother of the accuser in the Michael Jackson case cashed in early. She took roughly $4,000 from London’s Daily Mail newspaper for an exclusive interview that ran on Feb. 8, 2003. The writer of the piece, David Gardner, wouldn’t confirm or deny what transpired between him and the mother. But I do know that the tabloid reporter visited and interviewed her in person on Feb. 4, 2003, the day after “Living with Michael Jackson” aired on ITV in London. Jackson’s lawyers know this too and they are preparing to put Gardner on the stand as part of their defense. He has already been subpoenaed, I am told. His name appears on Jackson’s extensive defense witness list. So far only celebrity names on the witness list have been released by, but I’ve seen the whole deal. Gardner will not only take the stand, but unlike Martin Bashir, he will testify about his early interviews with the mother and with comedy club owner Jamie Masada. Masada told him, and Gardner published, these fateful bombshell words: “[The boy] is not naive. If something were going on, he would tell us.” … There are also a lot of doctors on Jackson’s list. Among them is Dr. Alex Farschshian, who flew on the private plane from Miami to Neverland on Feb. 7, 2005 and could address the famously alleged head-licking incident. Jackson’s dermatologist, Dr. Arnold Klein, is included as well as Alan Metzger and Mark Torbiner, two physicians whose histories with histories Jackson are shall we say complicated. Klein, by the way, was employer of Debbie Rowe, who became Jackson’s wife and mother of his two eldest children. There are many more names on the Jackson defense list of interest including CBS producer Kathryn Milofski, who will have to explain her involvement in the case. Jackson’s side has also listed Azja Pryor, the ex-girlfriend of comedian Chris Tucker. She will prove to be a key witness because the accuser’s mother considered her a close friend and confidante for three years. Jackson’s side has also, perhaps unwisely, included former book and audiotape publisher Michael Viner, the ex-husband of actress Deborah Raffin. Viner’s previous court outings in his own cases are not exactly testimonials. … Source: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,149391,00.html