APRIL 29 2005 (5:00 PM) — Prosecutors are scrambling today to put as much distance between Debbie Rowe’s testimony and the end of their “case” as possible. Another setback for the prosecution today. Us Weekly “nut” Ian Drew has been disqualified as a witness because of the vagueness of his testimony. Prosecutors claimed he would say that Ron Konitzer told him that the family “escaped from Neverland in the middle of the night.” Going back to Drew’s words, he never really said Konitzer told him they “escaped”. He says he was trying to make a deadline and he couldn’t really recollect what he said. We know Drew got pinched by the prosecution to be called as a witness in the first place because of statements he made in an interview with tabloid reporter Diane Dimond recently. By the way, her fingerprints seems to be all over this “case”, both in 1993 and 2003. But long story short, Drew got up before the judge, the judge asked him what he recalled, the judge then struck him as a witness in this trial. The prosecution has also introduced 2 art books seized from Neverland in 1993….yeah, we’re back to 1993…again. They hope that the jury will overlook the fact that these books are legal, available for purchase, and really have nothing to do with either the 1993 allegation or the 2003 allegation. One of the books is called “The Boy” and consists of photographs taken on the set of the movie Lord of the Flies. Another is called “Boys will be Boys” published in the 1960s
.yeah, the 1960s. None of this is child pornography, to be clear. But the prosecution wants the jury to believe otherwise. According to Savannah Guthrie, the “Boys will be boys” book is inscribed by Michael Jackson saying: “Look at the true spirit of joy on these boys’ faces. This is the life I never had. This is the life I want for my children.” Is that supposed to be evidence of pedophilia?? If anything, that inscription alone knocks out any argument that prosecutors want to make. What’s more, neither one of these books were shown to any kid. There’s never been an allegation that any of the people were shown these art books for any nefarious purposes. Oh, but it gets worse for the prosecution. The other book called “The Boy: A Photographic Essay”, which includes pictures of the actors taken on the set of the classic movie Lord of the Flies, was a gift to Jackson by a fan named “Rhonda”. Ouch. That book, too, is inscribed by Rhonda with the following: “To Michael Jackson, from your fan Rhonda xoxoxo”. It either is or was also in the Library of Congress. I’m not kidding. Congress Catalog Number 65-7 according to an image scan of the book found on Lordoftheflies.org. It is not pornography nor does it have anything to do with pornography. But Sneddon allegedly seized upon this book in an effort to convince what he must hope will be a stupid jury panel that this book is somehow evidence in this current case. If you remember, tabloid reporter Diane Dimond ran around to various news outlets waving this book around as if it was the holy grail in the prosecution’s “case”. What prosecutors and their media whores, as some have harshly characterized them, fail to keep in mind is the sheer lack of what was NOT found at Jacksons ranch. And the fact that they now have to take a legally obtained art book and turn it into something sinister smacks of a non-existent case. Further, this book wasnt found in a vacuum. What the public has known since the 1993 interview with Oprah Winfrey is that Jackson has a library of books and collections of material in his home. Jackson has thousands of books and other gifts fans, authors of certain books, and celebrity pals have sent him. More information from the preface of that book reveals just why it may have been of some import to Jackson. From the preface of the book “The Boy: A Photographic Essay”:
In a world grown increasingly complex, where violence and confusion are commonplace, the human heart leaps at the recall of innocence. This book is a testament to the beauty of innocence and to the human capacity for recalling that beauty. To a boy, boyhood is timeless and eternal. There seems to be no tomorrow. To the adult observer, boyhood lasts but a fleeting moment; it is gone in the twinkling of an eye. The art of capturing the fleeting moment in time has long been the province the poet, the painter and especially the photographer, who through the selective eyes of his camera, captures and preserves forever the ephemeral image. (see The Boy: A Photographic Essay)
Ooo that bastard! How dare he have legal art books like this in his house filled with such sentiment! Good grief. In MJEOL Bullet #241, this info was discussed. In that bullet, it was reported that cautious “case” observers offered advice to prosecutors warning them that they better make sure that this book wasn’t a copy of the book given to Jackson as a gift by someone who knew he liked the movie Lord of the Flies. And now we find out that it really was a gift to Jackson by a fan.