Tab Reporter Gets Ax Amidst Criticism of being Unfair and Unbalanced?–MB #283

Tab Reporter Gets the Ax Amidst Criticism of being Unfair and Unbalanced? – MB #283 Dimond splits from Court TV, but is still oblivious as to why some consider her to be pro-prosecution “It was bound to happen,” one person commented when they heard the news of tabloid (tab) reporter Diane Dimond exiting Court TV in late August 2005. Whether she “exited” or was tossed out on her Jackson-scandal-chasing-ass, the news broke August 28 2005 much to the surprise of some. According to MediaBistro, who got their information from Dimond’s fansite, Court TV “dismantled Diane Dimond’s investigative unit.” I’m not sure what’s more laughable: the fact that she had an “investigative unit” or that she has a fansite. Dimond is often accused of impersonating an investigative journalist and to some observers much of her Jackson coverage appeared to be a negatively spun, bastardized version of the truth. In my opinion, the unbelievably biased and pro-prosecution slant Dimond gave to her reporting caused scores of people to become alarmed. Some critics say she reported information in a way which would have been best suited on an advocacy website or a talk radio show.