Part 2: Tab Reporter Gets the Ax Amidst Criticism? – MB#283

Part 2: Tab Reporter Gets the Ax Amidst Criticism of being Unfair and Unbalanced? – MB #283 Dimond’s 2003-2005 Jackson coverage isn’t the first time one-sided reports have hit the air SEPTEMBER 14 2005 In Part One of this special MJEOL Bullet, we discussed Dimond’s recent departure from Court TV and some of her pro-prosecution reporting on the Michael Jackson “case”. Also mentioned was the way in which she seems not to understand why some observers hold the view that she is less of a “reporter” and more of a commentator who has taken a specific side in this fight between Jackson and his detractors. And I’m not going to even get into her NY Post commentary with titles like “’93 mystery victim might emerge to sink jacko” and “Wife No. 2 will zing the King of Pop”! Remember, this is the same Dimond who publicly claimed she was distressed that Geraldo Rivera was “skirting the line” between being a reporter and being an opinion columnist when he correctly called the Jackson “case” a sham (Crier Live, Feb 4 2005 telephone interview). She chided him, claiming “This is not how a journalist acts”. Ha! She also had the audacity to ask if Rivera was trying to influence the jury selection; a question which wouldn’t be so laughable if it weren’t coming from her.