Phase Two in Jackson/Schaffel Civil Trial Set to Begin in Two Weeks – MB#315

Phase Two in Jackson/Schaffel Civil Trial Set to Begin in Two Weeks – MB#315 JULY 17 2006 – A split verdict in the Schaffel v Jackson / Jackson v Schaffel civil trial came down Friday (July 14). The jury awarded Schaffel $900,000 and Jackson $200,000. Before this lawsuit, Michael Jackson’s financial managers found that Schaffel had yet to be paid roughly $472,000 for his cut from the profits of two Jackson specials which aired in Fox in Feb 2003. Many observer of the trial were on the verge of being completely stunned that Schaffel would get a dime over the approx. $500,000 he was initially owed considering the evidence presented by Jackson’s attorney, Thomas Mundell, detailing what looked like Schaffel’s numerous financial illegalities. The Judge split the case up into two phases. As it turns out, only one of Jackson’s claims against Schaffel was heard by the jury in the first phase. The rest of Jackson’s claims for damages are scheduled to be heard in approx 2 weeks by the Judge during the accounting phase.