Thriller rises from the dead?

A quick search for “Thriller” on YouTube brings up just over 51,000 hits, most of which are amateur copycat versions of Michael Jackson’s 1983 music video of that name. The wannabe M.J.s? Teenage girls; prison inmates; a high-school marching band; a 3-year-old; and a formal wedding party — bridesmaids, groomsmen and all — to name but a few.

MJ’s Speech at the Killer Thriller Party 2002

MJNI "Killer Thriller" Party Speech – Saturday 15th June 2002

I want to thank all the great, incredible talents. [DJ plays "Speechless"] As long as you play the music, I want to dance! I want to thank this guy for a wonderful performance [referring to Ernest Valentino] I thought Bryton McClure was amazing, too. He's a great singer as well.