The Washington Post is snidely reporting that FOX is set to roll out another NEW MJ special, with MJ’s cooperation, on the beginning of May sweeps. [b]”Michael Jackson’s Private Home Movies”[/b], the name of the project, is set to air the very first night of the ratings period, April 24. The Fox news release said of the special, [i]”Leaving behind the glitz and glamour of film, music videos and television, Michael Jackson opens up his private home movie collection, giving unprecedented access to thousands of hours of never-before-seen footage revealing his real life, family and friends.”[/i] It is being executive-produced by Brad Lachman, the same executive producer of “Michael Jackson Take 2: The Interview They Wouldn’t Show You” which aired during the February sweeps period. Are you as excited as I am? :thumbsup And it better be done RIGHT too or else they will have to contend with the angry wrath of millions of MJ fans along with those who just feel that its a $hitty thing to bash Jackson after the February ratings fiasco. You can leave your comments about this story in the :documentMJ NEWS section! -MJEOL//Washington Post