MJ contacts teacher and sends autographed pics and cds to students that participated in Thriller video project, it was reported on ABC 15 in Phoenix, with Real Video of news report, definitely a positive! _________________________________________ [b]’Thriller’ Kids News Clip On Line (Update) [/b] As the MJFC reported earlier, April Rich’s talented fourth, fifth and sixth graders not only put on a Thriller of a show last evening, but received a special gift package from Michael Jackson. Now, you can see April, Mondo James (who played Michael) and all the children in a special interview on ABC’s local station in Phoenix Arizona. Go to [url=http://www.phoenix360.com/news/schedule_archives/]http://www.phoenix360.com/news/schedule_archives/[/url] and scroll down to “Friday, May 16”, to the item “Young Valley Kids Get Phone Call From The King Of Pop” and click on to see the interview. :arrow Source: ABC // MJFC // MJJF You can talk about this story in the :document[url=http://forum.mjeol.com/index.php?act=ST&f=2&t=4280&s=396adb36c8cf7ce71fac751461a098a0]MJ CONVERSATIONS[/url] forum! Please send a letter of THANKS to ABC 15 for carrying this story. Other media outlets are acting like they hav no idea that this story exists. So I ask that everyone PLEASE send an email of thanks to them for running this story. :email[size=large][email]news15@abc15.com[/email][/size]