[b]This case is personal, says MTV MJEOL Bullet # 21[/b] MTV reporter Corey Moss asks the question Why Is the D.A. in The Michael Jackson Case Smiling? [url=http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1480542/20031120/jackson_michael.jhtml?headlines=true]in a new article located at MTVs website[/url]. This question has been echoed by many in the media since the highly inappropriate press conference held Wednesday (Nov 19). Tom Sneddon, the District Attorney, appeared jocular at the odd and inappropriate (Jeff Toobin, CNN) press conference leading many to question his motives for bringing this case against Jackson. Many were shocked and some were appalled at the joking nature with which the District Attorney handled such a serious event. The MTV article continues, The apparent vendetta most likely stems from two events. The two events cited are directly related to the apparently false allegations leveled against Michael Jackson in 1993 (see the article [url=http://www.steveharvey.com/michaeljackson.htm]Was Michael Jackson Framed? The Untold Story[/url]). The DA was unsuccessful at bringing down Jackson, whom he felt got away with something when the accusers parents left him high and dry by deciding to seek a financial settlement with Jackson. Does Sneddon feel like he was used by the first accusers family as a way to get money from Jackson? Who knows. However, he did go out of his way to note why he thinks the current allegation is different from the prior allegation, including pointing out that the law in California has changed to allow for the forcing of an accuser to testify. According to Sneddon himself, this change in California law was made specifically as a result of the failed 1993 Jackson case. Rather than trying to understand why a parent would seek financial payment over justice or attempting to ascertain how the prior allegations could have been orchestrated, Sneddon has evidently been lying in wait for someone, anyone to accuse Jackson in order to get another shot at the proverbial brass ring. Unidentified media sources are already saying that what the DAs office may not realize is that, in their haste to carry out this vendetta, there could actually be evidence that exonerates Michael Jackson. -MJEOL