Reporter Shoots Down ‘Panic’ Rumor? – MJEOL Bullet #27

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[b]Reporter Shoots Down ‘Panic’ Rumor? – MJEOL Bullet #27[/b] During Neil Cavuto’s [i]Your World[/i] program (Nov 24 2003), correspondent Trace Galliger (sp?) appeared on the show with some startling information. He reports that the company from where Jackson chartered the plane to fly back to Santa Barbara is now brokering a video of Jackson from inside the plane. He says that he has actually watched 45-50 minutes of that video. Galliger did not hear the audio because the company would not allow him to. He says that on the video, one can clearly see Jackson being very calm and talking to different people on the plane. He says that clearly Jackson was not panicky at all. This information is in direct contradiction to the tabloid story saying Jackson was “panicky”, “rocking back and forth”, “people had to drag him off the plane”, and that he “wanted to flee the country.” Yet another rumor has been slapped down, as it appears to be a total fabrication. Remember, this is no second- or third-hand information, as Galliger says he actually saw the video footage with his own eyes. The current information comes on the heels of Roger Friedman admitting to not being sure if any ‘explicit letters’ even exist. Members at one Jackson website say that Friedman reported to Fox news that the “love letters” story could be an imported rumor from the UK. -MJEOL

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