[b]Brian Oxman Interviewed on MJJF Radio MJEOL Bullet #51-A[/b] Jackson family attorney Brian Oxman was interview by Ron Sweet and Patricia Brown for [i]MJJF Radio[/i] recently. Mr. Oxman has been a long-time family friend and attorney for various members of the Jackson family. Oxman says the Jacksons are tough-minded, although this is a very nerve-racking time for them. [b][i]CBS Interview[/i][/b] Mr Oxman says that the interview was imperative for Jackson to do because the public demanded he come before them and tell them what happened in his own words. He adds that many people were impressed with Jackson. Concerning Jacksons claims of being manhandled by Santa Barbara police officers, Oxman says there are a number of things which can be done to complain about this issue. He confirms that the procedure of getting booked is rough. He adds that Jacksons attorney, Mark Geragos, will take appropriate action at the appropriate time concerning this matter. As for Jacksons claims that the Santa Barbara police destroyed his home and failed to leave a list of the things that were removed from his property, Oxman says that it is standard procedure for the police to inventory everything that has been taken from a house during a search warrant, and leave a copy with that person or that person’s attorney before they leave the premises. He adds this procedure was not followed in this case and that this is a possible violation of police procedure. The 4th Amendment states that the search warrant must state [i]where[/i] the search will take place and [i]what[/i] the police are looking for. If the police were searching areas of Jacksons home for which they didnt have a search warrant, Jackson could seek justice claiming a violation of his privacy and his civil rights. Further, anything seized in those areas [i]may[/i] not be admissible in court. When asked what Jackson can do to protect himself from these types of charges in the future, Oxman admits that Jackson has already taken reasonable measures to protect himself. This admission also echoes Mark Geragoss declaration during the CBS 60 Minutes interview (aired Dec 28 2003) when he stated that precautions were taken in February specifically because someone thought something was wrong with the family now accusing Jackson. [b][i]Nation of Islam?[/i][/b] Oxman was questioned about the involvement of the Nation of Islam. He says that Michael Jackson is the only one who can speak about who he has working with him. He continues by saying that Jackson is the only person who authorizes administrative decisions and that Jackson has not said he has authorized Nation of Islam member Leonard Muhammed, or any other member, to do anything (such as hire/fire staff, screen phone calls, etc.). He states these things are business decisions and have nothing to do with this case. The Nation of Islam released a statement Dec 30 denying any involvement with Jacksons case: The Nation of Islam, in response to several inquiries, has said today that it has no official business or professional relationship with Mr. Michael Jackson. The Nation of Islam joins thousands of other people in wishing him well (see [url=http://forum.mjeol.com/index.php?showtopic=12372]Nation of Islam denies involvement [/url]). He reiterates his points about the Nation of Islam by saying We need to keep our eye on the ball as to what this case is about. As for Jacksons inclusive attitude, he says Jackson is one of the most inclusive people that hes ever had the pleasure of meeting, At this point, I dont think you can read anything into the presence or absence of any members of any religious groups, and that Jackson has never been co-opted by the Nation of Islam. [b][i]Dismissal of the Case?[/i][/b] Oxman says District Attorney Tom Sneddon is ready for battle because he does not want to look at this case and admit he has serious problems with it. During Sneddons almost comical press conferences, Oxman was appalled to see one government entity insult another government entity (Child Protective Services) in the way Sneddon did. Because of Sneddons stubbornness, he continues, he would not be surprised if this case went to trial. Mark Geragos has previously expressed doubts about whether this case will even make it past the preliminary hearing. [b][i]Tellum Worldwide & Rent-A-Wreck Connection?[/i][/b] When asked about a possible connection with the father of the first accuser from 1993 and the PR/Crisis Management firm working with the District Attorneys office, Oxman says that it is absolutely a conflict of interest that the District Attorney is accepting services from Tellum Worldwide. Tellum Worldwide are connected with Rent-A-Wreck, a company run by David Schwartz, the step-father of the accuser from 1993. This is explosive information which the mainstream media has either ignored or have yet to pick-up on. Oxman explains any time private individuals become the agents for public officials, such as district attorneys, the agencys private interests become infused into the mix. Thus, their involvement, whether for-hire or on a voluntary basis, is a direct conflict of interest. More details to come in Part Two of this two-part MJEOL Bullet. Listen to the interview with Brian Oxman: (brought to you by [url=http://www.mjjforum.com]MJJF Radio[/url]) -MJEOL