[b]Michael Jackson supporters plan two Monday gatherings[/b] [i]By TIM MOLLOY[/i] Associated Press Writer LOS ANGELES — Michael Jackson’s friends, fans, and business associates were expected to turn out on two fronts Monday to talk about helping the pop superstar as he battles allegations of child molestation. Fans and family of Jackson, including his brother Jermaine, planned a news conference at the Jackson family complex in Encino to announce plans for a massive show of support at the singer’s arraignment, which is scheduled for Friday in Santa Maria. Jackson’s fan clubs plan to have groups of cars and buses travel to the courthouse in northern Santa Barbara County from areas including Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Orange County, Long Beach, Santa Monica, San Diego, Pasadena, Carson, Costa Mesa and Riverside, said Angel Howansky, a freelance publicist who is helping coordinate the event. “We’ve had fans calling from out of state who are flying in just for the arraignment. So the fan clubs decided that they would have caravans,” said Howansky, who added that she was helping without pay. Meanwhile, more than two dozen Jackson lawyers, accountants, bankers, and managers will meet at the Beverly Hills Hotel to discuss the singer’s business affairs, said Jackson family friend Brian Oxman, who said he learned details of the plans from Jackson’s brother Randy. “There is to be a meeting of the brain trusts for Michael’s management,” Oxman said. “Rumors will be set to rest, and it’s to explain how Michael is to handle further actions in connection with his business. They have not specified what it is or who is to be doing the speaking.” Jackson spokesman Kevin McLin provided details Sunday of the Encino event, but said he couldn’t provide any information on the Beverly Hills meeting besides confirming it had been scheduled. Jackson, 45, is charged with seven counts of performing lewd or lascivious acts upon a child under 14 and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent. He’s free on $3 million bail pending the arraignment in Santa Maria. The court date will also include a hearing for news organizations who are asking a judge to unseal documents related to the Nov. 18 search of Jackson’s Neverland Ranch. The news organizations contend that the public was not adequately notified of a request by Jackson’s attorney and Santa Barbara prosecutors to keep the search documents sealed, at least until the arraignment. The documents include the search warrant, an affidavit in which authorities explained their reasons for seeking the warrant, and a list of items seized. :4pinned Source: [url=http://www.heraldtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20040111/APN/401110792]http://www.heraldtribune.com[/url] :4pinned [url=http://forum.mjeol.com/index.php?showtopic=12943]Comments?[/url]