[b]Motions in Jackson case request ‘safe harbor’ from bad information [/b] By Quintin Cushner — Staff Writer 1/21/04 Both sides in the Michael Jackson child molestation case proposed addendums to a court-issued gag order that would allow them to address rumors that may surface during the high-profile proceedings. During Jackson’s arraignment Friday, Judge Rodney Melville issued an order prohibiting all parties from commenting on details in the case. Jackson’s attorney, Mark Geragos, argued against the gag order on grounds that it would prevent him from addressing false information that could damage the defense… Geragos’ proposal, also submitted Tuesday, seemed to argue for more freedom from the gag order than did Sneddon. He suggested that attorneys should be able to respond to any damaging report not initiated by Jackson or his attorneys. Geragos also wrote that any response should be limited to information necessary to correct the “adverse publicity.”… The prosecution also filed motions Tuesday addressing evidence seized during a Nov. 18 search of a Beverly Hills private investigator’s office… :nav [url=http://forum.mjeol.com/index.php?showtopic=13340]Read FULL Article[/url]