Positive Voices 4 MJJ Announces ***A Michael Jackson Moment*** We present, A Book Signing by Geraldine Hughes & Operation Meet-Up For all Supporters and Michael Jackson Fans. [b]Saturday, March 20, 2004 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM OIC/Metropolitan Building 1000 Tuscola Street Saginaw, MI [/b] Geraldine Hughes Will Be The Star Of Our Event, She’s the author of Redemption: “The Truth Behind the Michael Jackson Child Molestation Allegations” “She will be here, to sign books, for supporters and fans” Sponsors Of Event: © 2004 Positivevoices4MJJ Fan Club (Positive Voices For Michael Joseph Jackson Club) To read of the upcoming event: http://mjjfan.2ya.com/ Geraldine Hughes, the sole legal secretary of Barry Rothman, comes forth to set the record straight about what really happened behind the scenes in the 1993 child molestation case against Michael Jackson. In her upcoming book, called Redemption: The Truth Behind the Michael Jackson Child Molestation Allegations, Hughes reveals facts that have never been made public, court documented information, public statements and records that she insists prove Jackson’s innocence. “Investigators intimidated children they contacted from Jackson’s personal phone book by claiming to have photos of them with Jackson in order to get them to admit to events that never happened.” REDEMPTION by Geraldine Hughes Surrounded around the book signing of Ms. Hughes will be, *Michael Jackson Videos Shown; *Words of Expression Will Be Heard From MJ Fans. *Bring posters Of our King Of Pop, if you wish. *Refreshments will be served. This will be a uplifting, “Michael Jackson Moment.” Any Questions, Contact Below. Email: themusiclady_2000@yahoo.com Phone: 989-631-7472 or 810-397-5065 May the force be with you all, to attend, and support Michael Jackson in a Positive Way. Major Love Eve – The Music Lady Additional book signing locations will be announced later this week. Our Yahoo Fan Club: Positive Voices 4 MJJ – http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/positivevoices4mjj/join