[b]Michael Jackson to address Black Caucus[/b] WASHINGTON, March 25 (UPI) — Pop star Michael Jackson plans to visit Washington next week to share his views on world affairs with with members of the Congressional Black Caucus. Jackson, who was recently indicted on child molestation charges, requested the meeting with the 38-member group to discuss his humanitarian efforts including his work to help Africa fight its AIDS epidemic, the Roll Call newspaper reported Thursday. Rep. William Lacy Clay, D-Mo., whom the paper identifies as “a proponent of the visit,” says Jackson should be welcomed by the members of the CBC. “It is good we show our support to Michael Jackson,” Clay said. “He gives so much of himself monetarily and through his talent.” Jackson has reportedly backed CBC efforts for many years. He has pleaded innocent to seven counts of committing lewd or lascivious acts upon a child under age 14, and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent to the child. :nav Source: [url=http://washingtontimes.com/upi-breaking/20040325-055538-1671r.htm]http://washingtontimes.com[/url]