Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 [b]MICHAEL JACKSONS ATTORNEYS RESPOND TO NEW ALLEGATIONS[/b] MICHAEL JACKSONS ATTORNEYS BENJAMIN BRAFMAN, ESQUIRE AND MARK GERAGOS, ESQUIRE RESPOND TO NEW ALLEGATIONS AGAINST MR. JACKSON The following statement is being jointly released by Recording Superstar, Michael Jacksons attorneys, Benjamin Brafman, Esq., and Mark Geragos, Esq., regarding new allegations against Mr. Jackson: This appears to be a malicious attempt to undermine Mr. Jacksons right to a fair hearing on the charges presently pending. We have to question the timing and purpose of this 20 year old false allegation being raised at this time. We believe that this smear campaign is driven by money hungry lawyers, seeking to capitalize on Mr. Jacksons current legal situation.” :nav Source: [url=][/url]