Dimond Lying about Charities? Indy Research Reveals Truth

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Yesterday (Jan 4 2005), tabloid reporter Diane Dimond appeared on Court TV’s Crier Live attempting to explain away the mother’s past scams. She also seems to have mislead the audience about information concerning the party at Neverland in December 2004. She claimed that all but one of the charities listed for the Neverland party didn’t exist. While her crackpot…uh, I mean “crack” team of “investigators” were busy NOT thoroughly researching the guest list of the party, other researchers were hard at work to check out Dimond’s claims. Below are the prelim. results of that research, which clearly shows that either Dimond didn’t bother to thoroughly research the information, or that she was simply lying to try to throw attention off of three different and incredibly explosive reports about the accusing family’s history of possibly defrauding celebrities, other individuals and entities. Source for the following information: Indy researcher ‘TSColdMan’ who posted his findings at MJJF

Sorry for starting a new thread, but I wanted to [i]really[/i] point out all of the major flaws that came from Diane’s mouth on tonight’s Catherine Crier Live, and I’m afraid that a lot of people will miss it if its buried in the current DD Spin thread (but mods, feel free to move it if needed). I want to discuss the issue she brought up about how the churches and organizations supposedly involved with the Neverland party don’t even exist… I haven’t gotten around to reading the other DD thread for over 3 hours now so some of this may have been discussed there. In this portion of the MJ segment, Dimond’s wording was exceptionally misleading. There are two parts to this post, the break-up of what she said and the proof that she doesn’t know how to research anything and has very little credibility to her name. Below is the transcript for the part of the segment I will be breaking down: [b]NOTE:[/b] I realize that we all know Diane Dimond is nothing more than an outrageous spinner for Sneddon, but what she said on the show tonight about the Neverland party annoyed me enough to write this (approximately 45 minutes were spent writing/researching for this article). —– [quote][b]Dimond:[/b] So we checked out who are these kids and where did they come from? Raymone Bain is the PR lady and she sent us a list of who they were [The organizations that they came from]. We checked them all out, and they don’t exist. These places don’t exist, except for one. There is only one that exists, and it is a St. Timothy’s. It was a different kind of St. Timothy’s, we finally found them. She had listed ‘Santa Barbara children special needs children’ and we finally tracked that lady down and she said “We absolutely did not send any children there.”[/quote] Here we go! [quote]So we checked out who are these kids and where did they come from? Raymone Bain is the PR lady and she sent us a list of who they were [The organizations that they came from].[/quote] Dimond is saying that Raymone Bain sent her the list of organizations that were involved with the Christmas Neverland party. In all reality, the listing of organizations was posted on MJJSource soon after the party took place, and this is certainly where Dimond pulled the information from. In my opinion, she enjoys pretending that she is of high status and tries to insinuate to the public that she is able to get people from inside the Jackson camp to take the time and respond to her every beckoning. Everything is still understandable. [quote]We checked them all out, and they don’t exist. These places don’t exist, except for one. [b]There is only one that exists, and it is a St. Timothy’s. It was a different kind of St. Timothy’s, we finally found them.[/quote] In the above quote Dimond stated that after [i]researching[/i] each organization on the list (A.K.A. 30 second Googling), the only existing organization was the St. Timothy’s. And she goes on to say that it was a different kind of St. Timothy’s but never explains what was different about it. Still somewhat understandable at least by her standards. [quote]She had listed ‘Santa Barbara children special needs children’ and we finally tracked that lady down and she said “We absolutely did not send any children there.”[/b][/quote] 😆 Ok, this is the most interesting part of her segment because it basically slaps down everything else she just said and points out that she’s a bit :crazy. First, when Dimond says ‘[b]She had listed ‘Santa Barbara children special needs children[/b]’, she is clearly referring to Raymone Bain’s list of the involved organizations (no other female, or list, was ever mentioned up to this point ). Now, in the actual MJJSource article about the party where all of the involved organizations are listed, the final listing says, “children with special needs of Santa Barbara County.” Obviously this isn’t an organization in particular but it refers to those of the area whom were in need and were invited to the party (notice that it is in sentence structure without each word being capitalized). Dimond refers to this statement (she gets it a little wrong) and then goes on to say that she ‘tracked that lady down’. I never knew that there was one specific lady in charge of all of the children with special needs in SB. The lady then said that her agency didn’t send any children to the party. Of course, when Diane goes and asks a state agency that truly didn’t have any relation to the organizations listed they will say that they didn’t have anything to do with it. I’m sorry if I didn’t explain it well (had a long day) but hopefully you will understand it somewhat. Dimond tried to twist words and phrases to make it seem as though the Jackson camp made up all of the organizations except one, and that one denied ever helping organize the party. —– And what about all of these ‘made-up’ organizations. Obviously she needs to be taught how to properly research a place. So, are they all made up? Here’s what I found for each organization listed in the article on MJJSource. —– [b]Christ Christian (Home Missionary Baptist) Church[/b] 1728 E Compton Blvd Compton, CA 90221 [b](Mt. Calvary Assembly) Apostolic Faith Church[/b] 6641 Crenshaw Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90043 [b]St Timothy’s Episcopal Church & Day School[/b] 312 S Oleander Ave Compton, CA 90220 [b]Canyon Country[/b] (big region, no specific address) Los Angeles, CA 91351 [b]First AME Church[/b] 1968 W Adams Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90007 [b]Hold Your Image Youth Organization[/b] Over 300 Youth Organizations in Los Angeles listed at: http://snipurl.com/bs3v. This particular org. be one of those organizations but using an alternative name, or it could simply be a private organization that doesn’t have any online presence at this time (I assume that Dimond only used the Internet to find these places). In my state alone there are dozens of smaller Youth and Church groups that are not anywhere on the World Wide Web. [b]Children with special needs of Santa Barbara County.[/b] This is not in reference to any specific organization, but rather all of the sick and needy kids from around the area. —– So as you see, each church DOES exist and is in the exact city that MJJSource says it is. If I were involved in any one of these places that Diane claimed never existed I would be extremely upset… She just put down a whole lot of people as being non-existent.

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