XXXXX DRUDGE REPORT XXXXX WED JAN 26, 2005 16:24:38 ET XXXXX BRING IT: JACKSON WANTS SNEDDON TO PERSONALLY TRY CASE! **Exclusive** Michael Jackson wants his nemeses Santa Barbara County DA, Tom ‘Mad Dog’ Sneddon, to personally try the case against him in open court, top legal sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT. “Don’t hide behind your office, Mr. Sneddon!” a top Jackson source challenged. In a dramatic high-stakes move, Jackson wants Sneddon to personally make opening arguments, claiming the case “would never have been brought without [Sneddon’s] ‘vendetta.'” “Let Mr. Sneddon live or die by his own sword,” the top legal source explained. Sneddon still tries cases himself in court. “I love trials, and its good to get out of the office and do something I enjoy so much,” Sneddon says. “I also think that in an office my size its important for the lawyers to be able to see that the boss can still try a case, so that when people come to you and ask whether this or that should be done, they know that youre not just a bench jockey and that you know what youre talking about. Sneddon is serving his sixth and, he says, his last four-year term as DA of Santa Barbara County. Meanwhile, FOXNEWS’s Geraldo Rivera, who has secured an interview with Jackson to counter any damage of leaked grand jury testimony claims: “The case will be revealed in the days and weeks to come to be so fatally flawed, you will wonder why it was even brought to begin with. Geraldo, interviewed late Tuesday night on top Los Angeles talker KFI, said: “Wait until you see the case against Jackson totally fall apart. Michael Jackson did not molest this kid. Period. The charges against him are fake. “They have been created by grifters to cash in on a beleaguered and besieged guy. He is being railroaded here by a district attorney who is out of control, who is about to retire.” Developing… Source: