[b]Breaking News [/b]Feb 22 2005 — More breaking news and bombshells in the Michael Jackson so-called “case” today. NBC News got their hands on documents showing that the accuser once accused his mother of abusing him. Apparently, years ago the boy broke down and told one of his teachers that his mother was beating him. The teacher, being a mandatory child abuse reporter, contacted the Dept. of Children & Family Services. The DCFS began an investigation, and the boy recanted his abuse allegations. (see Accuser has history of changing his story – MSNBC ) In other news, outrage is brewing over the current judge’s decision not to hold Martin Bashir in contempt of the gag order. Bashir, who is a subpoenaed witness in this current case — and who was subpoenaed before either one of the ABC garbage “specials” aired on the network — has been allow to actually cover the “case” in which he is a witness. Longtime Jackson friend Frank Dileo expresses his opinion about what some observers are calling a “baffling” and/or “unfair” decision (see thejusticesystem.net). And a bunch of new court documents were released today from the court including a motion from prosecutors who want to get into (and probably leak?) personal financial information about Jackson’s Sony/ATV holdings among other things. This comes reportedly after the judge has already ruled that Jackson’s financial information is off-limits to the DA (see http://www.sbscpublicaccess.org/ctdocs.php). All of these issues will be discussed soon at MJEOL.