[b]DESTINY’S CHILD STRUCK DUMB BY JACKSON[/b] 05/12/2005 17:38 (UK Date format) R+B trio DESTINY’S CHILD were dumbstruck when their lifelong idol MICHAEL JACKSON approached them singing one of their songs. The starstruck SURVIVOR beauties, BEYONCE KNOWLES, KELLY ROWLAND and MICHELLE WILLIAMS, grew up listening to the THRILLER hitmaker and insist meeting him at his 30 years in showbusiness bash a few years ago was more than a dream come true. Rowland says, “To finally meet someone whose music we’ve grown up listening to blew us away. “And Michael was one of the nicest people we’ve ever met – he came up to us singing the lyrics to BOOTYLICIOUS! “We just stood there like dumbstruck fans with our mouths open in shock – I think we may have even screamed!” Source: [url=http://www.contactmusic.com/new/xmlfeed.nsf/mndwebpages/destinys%20child%20struck%20dumb%20by%20jackson]http://www.contactmusic.com/new/xmlfeed.ns…%20by%20jackson[/url][extend]