Stunning court documents have been released concerning police questioning of Jason Francia. Also revealed is that most of these allegations with Mac Culkin, Jason Francia, Wade Robson etc. all involved Blanca Francia at one point. Jason Francia at first denied being abused or touched inappropriately by Jackson until the police interviewed him. In this document, the defense cites excerpts from Francia’s police interview back in 1993. They appear to be coaching him or at least talking him into thinking something untoward happened, but that he just couldn’t remember. They lie to him about Mac Culkin being molested and talk about Corey Feldman using drugs; implying that it was because Feldman hung around with Jackson that he was using drugs.
Suspicious Police Questioning of Jason Francia – Highlight History
Originally posted May 8 2005, this Highlight History spotlights a number of issues, particularly the disgustingly manipulative lies police told Jason Francia when first trying to get him to make allegations against Jackson.