Essence of Love Radio Show #9 will air Feb 15 2006. Topics Singing the Pope’s Prayers? -comments about the fact that MJ had to release a statement concerning news about allegedly singing Pope John Paul II’s prayers Bashir at Nightline after devastating Take Two special -commentary and clips from Take Two The Footage you were Never Meant to See Hot Discussion Mention: Media ignoring the girls at Neverland -I read some of your posts! [b]Detour Segment: MJEOL FORUM member Vicky interviews fellow forum member floacist! [/b] Show length: 1 hour+ (approx) Scheduled Air times Feb 15 2006: 3:00PM ET / 2:00PM CT; and 8:00PM ET / 7:00PM CT Feb 16 2006 6:00AM ET / 5:00AM CT; and 11:00PM ET / 10:00PM CT Ways to listen:
Tune in yall! Ways to Get Involved: Remember, you can get in on the action! Record your audio commentaries about MJ in London, Janet Arvizo, the two flip-flopping jurors, your comedy skits, audio parodies, or commentary on any other topic to your computer. Send them to [email][/email] [b]OR[/b] upload them to a free file sharing site like [url][/url] [b]OR [/b]leave us a voicemail of your comments: + 1 425-648-4907 *Any changes will be posted here