FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 1, 2006 CONTACTMUSIC.COM FALSELY QUOTES RAYMONE K. BAIN IN ARTICLE REGARDING MICHAEL JACKSON Washington, D.C. .. In an article dated todays date, March 1, 2006, released by titled, Jackson Shows Islam Support with Mosque, I am being quoted. I have neither spoken to anyone at, issued a statement to anyone at, nor have I been contacted by anyone at to verify the information written regarding Mr. Michael Jackson. The liberty that the reporter has taken, not only in falsely and recklessly using my name, but making up a fictitious quote which is being attributed to me, is a despicable display of journalism. This action is as wrong as the information being disseminated in the article. I am demanding a retraction. ### Source: Raymone K Bain
Bain Corrects Erroneous ContactMusic report
Contact Music apparently posted an erroneous article claiming that Jackson was helping to build a mosque in which they attributed a direct quote to her. Bain says the report is inaccurate and is demanding a retraction.