[b] Michael Jackson Pushing Boundaries On New Album[/b] by Scott Colothan on 03/01/2007 (Jan 3 2007) Black Eyed Peas lynchpin will.i.am has been speaking about his work on Michael Jacksons new album and says the King of Pop still sings like a bird. will.i.am has been busy brainstorming and formulating ideas with Jackson and says that their main goal is pushing the musical boundaries. He told Billboard: “Man, he still sings like a bird. He could go anywhere. I think we have a real opportunity to do something here. It’s either gonna be really big or nobody’s gonna care. Ain’t no middle ground on this one.” As well as the music, the pair have also been looking into how best to utilise new technologies like social networking sites such as Myspace and downloading sites. will.i.am has worked with the likes of Snoop Dogg, Fergie, Justin Timberlake and Nsas in the past and has won several awards for his work. Source: http://www.gigwise.com/news.asp?contentid=26356