Lawsuit Against Jackson Dismissed – MiniBullet#35

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Lawsuit Against Jackson Dismissed – MiniBullet#35

APRIL 17 2007 – Word came today from MJHU and confirmed through the Los Angeles County's Court website that a lawsuit filed against Jackson with a number of questionable allegations has been dismissed.

The lawsuit filed April 28 2006, brought by Helen Harris-Scott, alleged that Jackson had inflicted intentional emotional distress against her, stalked her, sent secret messages to her and keyed her car. No, I’m not kidding.

The lawsuit seems to be just another example of the fact that Jackson has been falsely accused of everything except for fathering Anna Nicole Smith’s baby!

The attorneys representing Jackson in the civil action this time was the law firm of Mundell Odlum & Haws and the case was presided over by Judge Jacqueline A. Connor, according to the court website. Harris had sued Jackson for $100 M in damages.

Initial reports stated that Harris-Scott was alleging she was being stalked and harassed by Jackson. She accused him of keying her car, sending her nasty messages via radio station requests, and claimed other people would communicate to her on Jackson's behalf. I know…don't laugh….stop it.

According to a June 2006 report carried by CelebrityCafe, some of the woman's allegations were as follows:

Her car was keyed, her tires popped, and her doorbell rung, things clearly only a superstar like Michael Jackson is capable of having done. She also claims that Jackson had her home wiretapped, and that he tracked her every move using GPS.

Ok. The obvious question which may never be answered is why she thought Jackson would single her out. I’m not sure that Harris-Scott give a convincing answer to that question nor did it she appear to present persuasive evidence (if any) to prove her claim to the Judge.

The lawsuit may be another example of just how easy it is to make an allegation and file a lawsuit in the first place. Apparently, the Judge hearing her case didn't find her story credible because the case was finally dismissed on April 16 2007. 

See: Screenshot of Los Angeles county’s website with case info "Michael Jackson sued for stalking"

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