Damning Docs from Debbie Rowe Parental Rights Termination Hearing

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Damaging documents from Debbie Rowe’s Parental Rights termination hearing were found and posted years ago by the now defunct entertainment show Celebrity Justice.

The documents are a transcript of the hearing where Rowe has some very damning things to say about her relationship – or lack thereof – with Prince Michael Jackson and Paris Jackson.

At the Oct 17 2001 hearing when Rowe was represented by attorney Iris Finsilver, she said the last time she had even seen the children was almost a year before the hearing. She also testified that she never had so much as a desire to call them over the phone.

Before she made the decision to completely terminate her parental rights, Rowe thought about making the decision for a year.

From the hearing transcript:

Q. When is the last time you saw the children?
A. I think it was either August or October of last year when I gave up my visitation rights.

Q. Have you communicated with either of the children —
A. No.

Q. — Over the past year?
A. Not at all.

Q. Do you wish to communicate with the children?
A. No.

Q. Do you ever have the desire to call the children over the telephone?
A. No.

Q. Do you have a desire to send any cards or letters to the children?
A. No.

Q. Do you want the court to terminate your parental right?
A. Yes

Q. Okay.
A. Because —

Q. That was my next question. Why?
A. Because Michael is a wonderful man, first of all, a brilliant father. And it’s the best — as their mother, it is the best interest for the children. I don’t know if Judge Lachs understands this. But when I was seeing them every 45 days, it felt like an intrusion on their life and they’re going to have enough intrusions as it is. I don’t want to be part of it.

I’m absolutely around if ever Michael needs me, if the children need me for a liver, kidney, a hello, whatever, I will always be around for him. These are his children. I had the children for him. They wouldn’t be on this planet if it wasn’t for my love of him. I did it for him to become a father. Not for me to become a mother. You earn the title parent. I have done absolutely nothing to earn that title.

Q. How long have you thought about your decision?

A. Since — I’ve thought about it for a year. The reason I didn’t do it a year ago, everybody would have gone “UH”, “Uh”, “Uh”, GASP, GASP, GASP. “Oh my God, have you thought this out?” So just so everybody understands, I’ve thought about this a lot. And this is — this is for what’s the best for the kids.

The only way Rowe has a foot in the door today is because of a technicality;  a procedure not correctly followed when executing the termination of her rights caused the termination to be invalid. But there was no doubt she sought to terminate her parental rights and no doubt she appeared not to want any deep connection to Prince and Paris.

Rowe was intentionally left out of Michael Jackson will and has had much of a relationship with the children. Reports say Rowe has also publicly said she didn’t want to be a mother.

Reading a transcript of the parental rights termination hearing shows a Rowe who knew what she was doing and didn’t want to have anything to do with Michael Jackson’s children.

Read the hearing transcript below:

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Download PDF version of Parental Rights Termination Hearing transcript[/span]

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