Last night, Diddy sat down for a Nightline interview with famous jerk Martin Bashir, and Bashir’s shtick was so off-putting that Diddy came off downright charming by comparison. Click through to 6:10 for the worst of it, when Bashir tries to make Diddy admit he’s a terrible father because he gives his children loads of money. “All of my kids are well taken care of, they all go to the best school, all of the mothers are taken care of … ” “Financially,” Bashir breaks in ominously, then segues to Diddy’s son Justin’s appearance on My Super Sweet Sixteen, where Justin was gifted a shiny new automobile by his generous dad. “Do you think it was appropriate to buy your 16-year-old son a Maybach car worth almost $400,000?”
Bashir asks, humorlessly, “Do you think it was a sensible lesson for a child?” Diddy does a pretty good job of retorting all by himself — “The way I raise my children, I don’t have to explain to you or anybody else. It wasn’t even about a lesson, it’s what I wanted to do” — but that whole line of questioning felt so suspect we are now moved to add on as well.
So, Martin Bashir: Diddy’s worth $350 million — buying his kid a Maybach is like non-famous parents leasing their kids a Mazda or something. Besides, it’s Diddy‘s kid! He should have a Maybach!