Viner: Feldman Did Not Believe Accuser, Called Mother a ‘flake’ – AP

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[b]Jackson defense filing questions lawyer’s testimony for prosecution[/b] LINDA DEUTSCH Associated Press SANTA MARIA, Calif. – The lawyer who first talked to Michael Jackson’s accuser and his mother told TV talk show host Larry King and another man that he considered the mother “a flake” and that he didn’t believe the boy, according to a report of a witness interview filed by Jackson’s investigator. The memo, which was filed Monday and released by the court Wednesday, was offered by the defense to attack the earlier testimony of attorney Larry Feldman in Jackson’s child molestation trial. In the memo, investigator Scott Ross said he interviewed publisher Michael Viner on April 26 about a breakfast meeting with Feldman and King about six months before the trial began. According to the memo, Viner said the three men met at Nate and Al’s Deli in Beverly Hills along with other friends. He said that Feldman wanted to talk with King about the becoming a commentator on King’s show during the Jackson trial. [b]”Viner recalled that Feldman had referred to the mother as ‘a flake’ and said he did not believe the boy,” the memo said. “Feldman added that he sent the mother and boy out to ‘another expert and they failed the smell test.'”[/b] “Feldman added that he did not believe them and they were into this case for one reason, ‘money,'” Ross wrote. “When I asked Viner if Feldman actually said that, he replied, ‘Absolutely.'” Ross said he advised Viner that Feldman had testified he did not know the publisher. “Viner said that was not true, that they had met several times…. Viner has no idea why Feldman would say such a thing,” the memo said. King has been subpoenaed to testify at the trial and the defense is fighting an effort to exclude Viner’s testimony as hearsay. During his testimony, Feldman said he has never met Viner but did remember meeting with King and “six of his pals” at Nate and Al’s Deli. He denied making the comments in question. Feldman testified he was first contacted by the accuser’s family because of a dispute over the boy’s appearance in a documentary about Jackson and that he referred the family to a psychologist. It was the psychologist who reported suspicions of molestation to authorities after interviewing the family. Source:

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