Michael Jackson’s Thriller25, Akon’s remake of Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ and even the #1’s DVD all make a showing on the current Austrlian Charts.
{tag Thriller25} is holding it’s own at #3 this week:
Meanwhile, Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ remake by {tag Akon} is hot on the ARIA:”ARIA(Australia’s Official Music Chart)”:http://www.ariacharts.com.au/pages/charts_display.asp?chart=1G50 singles chart as well. The song is #7, up from #8 last week on the TOP 40 Digital Track Chart
while holding steady at #9 on the TOP 50 Singles Chart
Even two of Jackson’s DVDs, " #1s " and " Live in Bucharest – The Dangerous Tour ", are in the top 20 this week on ARIA’s TOP 40 DVD Chart:
Congrats to MJ!