The following is the latest from the Guardian in the UK: [quote]The Duchess of York has claimed Martin Bashir “tricked”
LaToya admitted that SHE LIED about Mike!
At an appearance on Larry King Live, LaToya Jackson admited that she was so abused and threatened by Jack Gordon,
MJ Charting positions this week (week of March 2 2003)
[b]Irish Top 75 Individual Artist Albums : Week Of March 3 [/b] 42. Michael Jackson , Greatest Hits Vol 1
Mike #24 this week(March2) in the UK
Mike’s #24 this week(the week of March 2) in the UK 23 (20) MELODY AM ROYKSOPP WALL OF SOUND [b]24
Shmuley Boteah, the lying Rabbi
Boteach has written a horrible article about Michael Jackson this month. Boteach has been accused of the misappropriation of funds
Picture says a thousand words
:laughpoint [img align=right][/img] This was outside of court where Michael’s lawyers were about to seek an injunction against Granada TV

Bashir faces fresh criticism
Martin Bashir, the TV journalist accused of betraying Michael Jackson, is at the centre of a fresh row over allegations that he "blackmailed" the father of a runaway child prodigy to appear in one of his documentaries.
Farooq Yusof, whose daughter Sufiah ran away from Oxford University at the age of 16, last week told a confidential hearing of the broadcasting standards commission that Bashir had promised to give him information about his daughter in return for an interview for ITV’s Tonight With Trevor McDonald.
Michael Jackson battles back (CNN) – 2003
Michael Jackson battles back Neverending story Monday, February 17, 2003 Posted: 3:12 PM EST (2012 GMT) (PEOPLE) — Following the
Michael Jackson’s second statement – Chandler
Wednesday, 12 February, 2003, 11:54 GMT [b]Michael Jackson’s second statement[/b] Michael Jackson’s second statement in response to allegations made against
Local Judge Pleads Not Guilty: Diana Hall
Local Judge Pleads Not Guilty Hall Faces Six Charges, Removal From Bar if Convicted; Kern County Court Issues Gag Order