
Matt Fiddes Interview with UK Tabloid Confirms Bashir’s Treachery – Bullet#325

UK tabloid The Sun is running a story on their website about Matt Fiddes, one of Michael Jackson’s former UK bodyguards.

While sticking to the asinine ‘Jacko’ tabloid-created moniker, the article is surprisingly without the usual pile of trash masquerading as news often found in Jackson-related articles; particularly from tabloid sources.

Among other things, Fiddes is quoted as saying “Michael must be the most misunderstood man in the world. He is such a nice guy behind closed doors.”

New Jackson Leak Tempest in a Teacup? Act of Desperation?– Bullet #155

‘New’ Jackson Leak a Tempest in a Teacup? Act of Desperation? – MJEOL Bullet #155

Tabloid reporter Diane Dimond has somehow gotten her hands on what she claims to be the settlement document from 1993.This was such “important” news that both Court TV and, later, MSNBC, broke into their programming to talk about this ‘new’ 11 year old information.And for what?

After all the initial craziness, what we now know is that Jackson didn’t pay the accuser millions of dollars after all.It was, from the info in the document, paid by an insurance company.

If this document is indeed authentic, however redacted, we also learn that the money went into a trust fund for the accuser, not directly to him.We also know that Jackson maintained that he is innocent of any wrongdoing in the settlement.