Latest from Take Back the [quote][b]Protest Clear Channel Radio and the Media Monopoly – Thursday, May 29 Posted Saturday, May 24, 2003 by vgdesign[/b] A National Day of Protest to Stop the Media Monopoly – United for Peace Washington, DC: Washington, DC Clear Channel Protest. Stop the FCC Media Giveaway! Join Code Pink and others on Thursday, May 29, 2003 at 12:30pm as we say no more to Clear Channel and media monopolies! Brings posters and signs, and show the world that we demand truth over profit, diversity over monopoly! San Francisco, California: No More Clear Channels! Stop the FCC Media Giveaway Please join Media Alliance, Global Exchange, CodePink, and the Youth Media Council and others as we protest in front of the Clear Channel/KMEL offices just days before the FCC votes on a dramatic media deregulation proposal. Portland, Oregon: CodePink Clear Channel Protest Portland, Oregon Code Pink is planning an action at the Clear Channel offices on SW Macadam in Portland. We did an action there on May 8th (see ) and will do something similar. All of Portland is invited to join us. Pink is optional. Stay tuned! New York City, New York: NO MORE CLEAR CHANNELS! STOP THE FCC MEDIA GIVEAWAY Clear Channel Communications is the poster child of everything that’s wrong with media deregulation. If the FCC passes Chairman Michael Powell’s proposed new media rules, companies like Clear Channel and Fox will be given even more control over the public airwaves than they already have. Los Angeles, California: Stop Clear Channel and the FCC JOIN CodePink LA and others to protest the impending deregulation of the media by the FCC: CODEPINK is organizing protests at Clear Channel stations around the country at noon–in Los Angeles we are working on several ideas for an action that will get our point across in a powerful, provocative way.[/quote] :more Source: [url=][/url]