RIverside: City Settles Suit Over Death Posted on September 27, 2003 at 03:41:48 PM by Desert Dawg City Settles Suit Over Death One of the Riverside officers fired but later cleared in the shooting of Tyisha Miller will get half his salary tax-free for life, plus $100,000. By Seema Mehta, Times Staff Writer Nearly five years after 19-year-old Tyisha Miller was killed by Riverside police, the city settled a lawsuit on Thursday with one of the officers fired in the aftermath of the shooting. Former Officer Wayne Stewart, who was cleared of wrongdoing by county, state and federal investigators, will receive half of his salary tax-free for life, plus $100,000. It’s the third settlement between the city and fired officers; two more officers have a federal claim pending. Source: http://b4.boards2go.com/boards/board.cgi?action=read&id=1064695308&user=SoCA http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-tyisha27sep27,1,4719698.story?coll=la-headlines-california