Dear members of The MJJForum Fan Community, We all know of the disturbing events of this day. Now is the time for all fans, Fanclubs, fansites and those who generally care for the well being of Michael Jackson to stand together in support. We have all been through ten years of media mistreatment of Michael Jackson. The reason that The MJJForum Fan Community as well as other Fanclubs were created to offer balance and truth and respect for Mr. Jackson. The respect for Michael Jackson will not waiver amongst the members and the staff of The MJJForum Fan Community. Michael is very angry at today’s events, however he remains resiliant and strong in the face of adversity. I have been personally told by members associated with Michael Jackson’s camp that all will be revealed shortly and that Michael will once again, weather the storm. Please be patient while information is being disseminated properly. This is our letter of support for Michael Jackson. We ask all fans to stand with Michael Jackson during this trying time. :arrow Source: Patricia Brown President – MJJForum Fan Community