[b]Like Hidden Treasures, News Is Often Buried [/b] [i]Tue December 16, 2003 04:24 AM ET [/i] By Ray Richmond LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) – There are times, believe it or not, when it’s embarrassing to be a member of the media. The moment I found out about Jayson Blair’s reign of serial plagiarism at the New York Times was one. Nearly every time I watch a local newscast is another. It happened again last week amidst the latest twist in the Michael Jackson saga. Perhaps you missed it, this being the Christmas season and all. It was also easy to ignore because of its decidedly soft-peddled placement. What was the story? Merely this: that the prosecution’s case against Jackson may have fallen apart at the seams thanks to a single memo leaked to those notorious MJ baiters, the Smoking Gun (http://www.thesmokinggun.com). The memo came from the Los Angeles County Department of Family & Children’s Services and essentially clears Jackson of the allegation that he sexually abused a cancer-stricken boy. This is the very same boy whose purported molestation resulted in Jackson’s mega-flashy arrest on Nov. 20 and his having to post $3 million bond to extricate himself from police custody in Santa Barbara County… The memo continues, “The child, (name deleted), was interviewed by the CSW as to the allegations and he denied any form of sexual abuse. He denied that he ever slept in the same bed as the entertainer. The child, (name deleted), also denied sexual abuse … The investigation by the Sensitive Case Unit concluded the allegations of neglect and sexual abuse to be unfounded.” In case this strikes you as somehow convoluted, allow me to read between the lines: If accurate — and we have no reason to believe that it’s not — it means that Jackson is innocent. Period. That’s a wrap…. :4pinned[url=http://forum.mjeol.com/index.php?showtopic=11874]READ FULL ARTICLE[/url] >> :4pinned[url=http://forum.mjeol.com/index.php?showtopic=11874]Comment on the Article[/url] :4pinned[url=http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=industryNews&storyID=3998930]Source[/url]