[b]Judge bars cameras from courtroom in Jackson case[/b] Jan 12 2004 BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) Cameras will not be allowed in the courtroom during Michael Jackson’s arraignment Friday on child molestation charges, a judge ruled Monday, rejecting requests from numerous news organizations. Also on Monday, Jackson’s inner circle met at a posh Beverly Hills hotel to look at the entertainer’s business affairs. The meeting was attended by lawyers, managers and accountants for the pop superstar, along with Nation of Islam leaders. (One of Jackson’s advisors happens to be a member of the Nation of Islam and was not there speaking on behalf of the Nation of Islam in any capacity.) :nav [url=http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1073949010438&call_pageid=968867495754&col=968705925735]FULL STORY[/url]