93 Settlement Was Not A Settlement for Molestation Claims– Bullet #166

93 Settlement Was Not A Settlement for Molestation Claims – MJEOL Bullet #166 Yesterday brought further clarification of the 1993 settlement agreement from the transcript of the July 9 2004 hearing in the Jackson “case”. It seems that the 93 settlement agreement wasn’t as black and white as even we claimed. Initially, it looked as if Jackson had agreed to some unknown form of negligence not related to molestation. However, it turns out that he didn’t even agree to that much. There was absolutely no agreement of anything whatsoever; not even negligence. In short, to call the 1993 settlement a ‘molestation settlement agreement’ is erroneous and has no basis in fact at all.

Prosecutors STILL Dragging Feet in Handing over Discovery– Bullet #165

Prosecutors STILL Dragging Feet in Handing over Discovery – MJEOL Bullet #165 Prosecutors in the Michael Jackson “case” still haven’t turned over key discovery, including 4 videotapes made of the actual search of Jackson’s Neverland Ranch.  Defense attorneys say prosecutors are still sitting on very important information and have yet to turn over all unredacted and complete copies of the search warrants and their corresponding affidavits.  Why is it taking so long to hand over the most basic information to Jackson’s defense team?  Are prosecutors just bogged down in paperwork or are they intentionally stalling to prevent the defense from adequately defending Jackson?