[Jackson] Case: Shakedown Admitted by Accuser’s Side Friday, August 20, 2004 By Roger Friedman It’s no shock that Thursday’s big admission in the Michael Jackson case concerned a shakedown. Major Jay Jackson, stepfather now to Jackson’s 14-year-old accuser, conceded in court that he asked Jackson’s staff for a lot of things as compensation for the family’s participation in a “rebuttal” video. I’ve been telling you for months that Jay Jackson and the accuser’s mother wanted everything they could get from the King of Pop and his associates. There are receipts, too, lots of them, that can be brought into evidence showing how much shopping the mother did on Michael Jackson’s dime. But Major Jackson is wrong about one thing: He suggested that his wife and stepkids were held “for months” at Michael’s Neverland ranch in 2003. In fact, the family stayed there on and off between Feb. 7 and March 11 of that year. On March 11, the mother was awarded an increase in her weekly alimony from family court from her ex-husband. She and her children returned to Major Jackson’s apartment (the couple were not married yet at that time). After that, their connection to Neverland was almost completely severed. :nav Source: [url=http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,129557,00.html]http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,129557,00.html[/url]