Fan Quotes Re: Judge’s decisions

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Given the obviously perplexing rulings from the current Judge in the Michael Jackson “case”, some Jackaon fans are weighing in on everything from the logic of the rulings to the ties between the prosecutor and this judge. MJEOL from *Ðrëåmÿ*

The judge is undeniably corrupt. The decisions which he has been making against the rulings have coincidently been in favour of Sneddon. I don’t think there are any significant faults which lie within the defense team, they are working to their best ability to resolve the problems which are evident in this case. The decisions which have been made from the judge are beyond bias

from SpecialJanet25

I don’t trust those assholes either but this isn’t over.

from dangerous

The miller motion was completley denied, NL was turned around again.. go figure. i CANNOT beleive he had the actual audactiy to write that the witness’ were credible! THEY COMMITED PURJURY SEVERAL TIMES!!

from mixahl

How canhe grant in parts of it, I dont’t understand.. Does he rule the act of braking into Miller’s office to be unlawful?

from HeavenSent

I’m sure the Appeals Court is going to starting saying WTF at all these motion denials.

and many more… MJEOL Forums MJJF from AllTheLovelyFlowers

Nobody believes what Melville did today…..nobody!! No one expected him to be this biased. I believe more than ever now that Sneddon is trying to railroad Michael into jail with the CONSPIRACY charges. That is why Melville has not ruled against this charge in any way. Sneddon and Melville are fighting really hard to keep this charge in.

from MJsNymph

In a motion released yesterday, the defense stated that “law enforcement is still coming to the Magistrate claiming that they do not have evidence that is essential to their prosecution, including material documenting MJ’s whereabouts during the relevant dates.” …. and …. “It has been over 9 months since a formal complaint was filed with this Court accusing Mr. Jackson of crimes for which the prosecution still does not have evidence.”

from phatfan

Jack Daniels indeed. – Whisper

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