The Extortion Investigation

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REDEMPTION by Geraldine Hughes (Excerpt)

4.4 The Extortion Investigation – Extortion on the part of an attorney warrants disbarment. Barton v State Bar of California (1935) 40 P.2d 502, 2 C.2d 294.

Anthony Pellicano stated repeatedly to the news media that the entire child molestation allegation was an elaborate extortion scheme by Mr. Rothman [the 93 accuser’s first attorney] and Dr. Chandler [the 93 accuser’s father] to extort money from Michael Jackson.

Throughout the entire ordeal Mr. Pellicano never changed his opinion. In a declaration filed by Mr. Pellicano in opposition to a Motion for Trial Preference and in support of Michael Jackson’s Motion for Stay of Discovery and Trial, he stated that Dr. Chandler and Mr. Rothman demanded twenty million dollars in the form of four—five million dollar payments for writing deals for Dr. Chandler’s services.

Mr. Pellicano further stated that Dr. Chandler said he would ruin Michael Jackson if he didn’t get what he wanted and that he believed Dr. Chandler, directly or indirectly, found a way to make his claims public in retaliation for Michael Jackson not meeting his demand.

Michael Jackson’s attorneys filed extortion charges against Dr. Chandler and Mr. Rothman. Dr. Chandler and Mr. Rothman took the extortion charges seriously; each hired criminal defense attorneys.

The extortion investigation made both of them very nervous. The investigator called Mr. Rothman, wanting to meet with him separately regarding the case. Mr. Rothman tried to reach Dr. Chandler all day concerning the meeting with the investigator.

When Dr. Chandler finally called to speak to Mr. Rothman, he took Dr. Chandler’s call in the associate attorney’s office located near my desk. I overheard Mr. Rothman tell Dr. Chandler that they needed to meet over the weekend and talk before speaking to the investigator to make sure their stories were the same.

Mr. Rothman reiterated to Dr. Chandler that they needed to make sure they were both saying the same thing. Mr. Rothman insisted that Dr. Chandler meet with him over the weekend before the meeting with the investigator which was to take place, I believe it was that coming Monday.

After hearing Mr. Rothman make this statement to Dr. Chandler, there was no question in my mind that Michael Jackson was the innocent victim of an elaborate extortion scheme. Although the extortion investigation did not generate the same media attention as the child molestation allegations did, underneath the surface, Mr. Rothman and Dr. Chandler were sweating bullets. Mr. Rothman began to let his guard down and was not being as careful as he had previously been. It appeared as if he was starting to lose control of his temper.

The media, on the other hand, did not give the extortion charges the same intensity, air time, and news attention as it did the child molestation allegations. The investigation of the extortion charges was not handled in the same manner as the child molestation allegations. No witnesses were subpoenaed…at least it wasn’t reported.

There was no attention given as to whether or not search warrants were issued to search Dr. Chandler’s and Mr. Rothman’s home and office. They did not travel out of the country to investigate the extortion charges.

All they did was investigate locally. Had the investigation of the extortion charges been as thorough as it was for the child molestation allegations, I would not be writing this book, giving the public information that should have already been reported. (pgs 102-103) from Redemption by Geraldine Hughes *You can purchase the book at Wal-Mart! *You can order you copy of Redemption directly from the Publisher here: Ajalon Press

(Note: It only took 8 days for me to receive my copy ordering directly from the publisher.) You can also DEMAND that Barnes and Noble carry the book in your local store.

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