The Extortion Investigation

REDEMPTION by Geraldine Hughes (Excerpt)

4.4 The Extortion Investigation – Extortion on the part of an attorney warrants disbarment. Barton v State Bar of California (1935) 40 P.2d 502, 2 C.2d 294.

Anthony Pellicano stated repeatedly to the news media that the entire child molestation allegation was an elaborate extortion scheme by Mr. Rothman [the 93 accuser’s first attorney] and Dr. Chandler [the 93 accuser’s father] to extort money from Michael Jackson.

Throughout the entire ordeal Mr. Pellicano never changed his opinion. In a declaration filed by Mr. Pellicano in opposition to a Motion for Trial Preference and in support of Michael Jackson’s Motion for Stay of Discovery and Trial, he stated that Dr. Chandler and Mr. Rothman demanded twenty million dollars in the form of four—five million dollar payments for writing deals for Dr. Chandler’s services.

Mr. Pellicano further stated that Dr. Chandler said he would ruin Michael Jackson if he didn’t get what he wanted and that he believed Dr. Chandler, directly or indirectly, found a way to make his claims public in retaliation for Michael Jackson not meeting his demand.

Police Lied to Young Children During 1993 Investigation?

REDEMPTION by Geraldine Hughes (Excerpt)
3.7 The Child Molestation Investigation – …Once the news of the investigation surfaced, it was quickly known that the tabloids were paying big bucks for anyone to come forth with any information, whether true or not. People began to come out of the woodwork with so-called eye witness stories of inappropriate behavior. None of this information was reported prior to the allegations being made public.