Jan. 29, 2004 Naval station hosts Sea Cadets Corps BY JO2(SW/AW) TERRANCE JEFFERSON More than 40 sea cadets from the U.S. Naval Sea Cadets Corps spent their holiday season learning how to become naval leaders in the Petty Officers Leadership Academy held recently at Naval Station Norfolk, building C-9. This course is held annually, and this year students traveled from 19 various states within the United States to attend a one-week course from Dec. 27 to Jan. 3 on board Naval Station Norfolk. Before the sea cadets could make a commitment to spend their holiday season at POLA, they had to meet certain criteria. They must be attached to their unit for two years and be an E-3 in the NSCC. POLA is designed to teach young children about leadership and sea service, said Lt. Cmdr. Stanley A. Taylor NSCC, Blue and Gold representative of the U.S. Naval Academy. In one week, the sea cadets learned how to be responsible leaders and better decision makers, but most importantly, their dedication and strong will helped some of them decide where they would spend their holiday season. I was glad to spend my holiday doing something I love to do, said SN GXXXX AXXXXX NSCC a native of Los Angeles. I want to join the military when I become of age. I needed the advanced training to step up my leadership position, said SA Nicole Singer NSCC a native of Jackson, Mich. This leadership course will help the cadets prepare to become great petty officers in the NSCC, said Lt. Ronald J. Sanders NSCC, commanding officer of POLA. Helping the cadets pave the way for their future leadership roles, Lt. j.g. Michael Pell, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, took some time out of his holiday season to educate the cadets on Drug Abuse and Resistance Education and antiterrorism awareness. My goal was to let the cadets know every decision they make, whether its right or wrong, will have an impact on their lives, said Pell. They need to learn to be responsible and make smart decisions early. During POLA training, the sea cadets spent 40 hours in the classroom and 10 hours on the grind marching and drilling. To say the least, the sea cadets devotion and dedication highly impressed their superiors. I am really proud the sea cadets made such a commitment to attend POLA, said Lt. William Gallagher, NSCC, commanding officer of Naval Station Norfolks sea cadets Top Hatters. It was great to see everyone graduate, it made me really happy. AN Jeffery Ferree NSCC volunteered to represent his unit, the Naval Station Norfolk Top Hatters. He enjoyed the class and its importance. This class went really well, I enjoyed it, said Ferree. I would like to be a naval officer someday. This class really motivated me more to pursue my goal. Source: http://www.flagshipnews.com/archives_2004/jan292004_6.shtml