[b]Restraining order is dismissed[/b] By Quintin Cushner/Senior Staff Writer Court TV anchor Diane Dimond this week dropped her restraining order against a Michael Jackson enthusiast from Tennessee who hurled insults at her throughout the pop star’s five-month trial in Santa Maria. Judge Zel Cantor announced in Santa Maria Superior Court Wednesday that Dimond had dismissed the complaint against 18-year-old B.J. Hickman. On June 9, Dimond slapped the order on Hickman, prohibiting him from coming within 20 yards of her. Hickman, who moved from Knoxville, Tenn. to attend Jackson’s trial, often disrupted Dimond’s live broadcasts by calling her a “liar,” and worse. Hickman perceived the reporter as pro-prosecution. During jury deliberations in the Jackson case, Hickman hosted a press conference attended by hordes of television and newspaper reporters, denying that he harassed the journalist. Hickman later demanded in court documents that Dimond pay $30,000 in attorney’s fees he claimed to have accumulated while fighting the order. Dimond filed a counter-complaint, requesting that Hickman pay $4,555 in legal bills she supposedly accrued. A financial settlement was reached this week, but terms were not disclosed in court documents. Santa Maria attorney Gerardo Camacho, who represented Hickman in the case, declined to comment on specifics from the settlement. “My client is satisfied,” Camacho said, adding that Hickman has returned home to Tennessee. “He’s ready to put all this behind him.” Calls to Dimond and her attorney, Seth Gold, were not returned Wednesday. … Source: http://www.santamariatimes.com/articles/2005/08/11/news/local/news05.txt