Second Tabloid Prints Retraction about Party Story

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Second Tabloid Prints Retraction about Party Story

MJEOL NOTE: A second tabloid has issued a retraction of the false story alleging that Jackson was paid $10M to attend a party for Prince Azim in London last month. The story went all over the world and was even picked up by allegedly “reputable” news sources. For example, you may remember the chucklehead Dan Abrams using the story to call the Prince a “loser” and to call Jackson a “clown”. None of the allegedly “reputable” sources have issued a retraction yet as far as we can tell after picking up the story from tabloids which are now issuing an apology for the false information.

Prince Azim apology | June 12, 2007 WE are happy to make it clear that Michael Jackson was not paid £5million or any other sum for turning up at the birthday party of his friend, the Sultan of Brunei’s son, Prince Azim. Sorry for suggesting otherwise. Source:,,2-2007270116,00.html

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